[Deep Reinforcement Learning Nanodegree Chapter 2] Value-Based Methods

2. Value-Based Methods

Official course description

In the second part, you’ll learn how to leverage neural networks when solving complex problems using the Deep Q-Networks (DQN) algorithm. You will also learn about modifications such as double Q-learning, prioritized experience replay, and dueling networks. Then, you’ll use what you’ve learned to create an artificially intelligent game-playing agent that can navigate a spaceship!

Use the DQN algorithm to train a spaceship to land safely on a planet.

Use the DQN algorithm to train a spaceship to land safely on a planet.

You’ll learn from experts at NVIDIA’s Deep Learning Institute how to apply your new skills to robotics applications. Using a Gazebo simulation, you will train a rover to navigate an environment without running into walls.

Learn from experts at NVIDIA how to navigate a rover!

Learn from experts at NVIDIA how to navigate a rover!

You’ll also get the first project, where you’ll write an algorithm that teaches an agent to navigate a large world.

In Project 1, you will train an agent to collect yellow bananas while avoiding blue bananas.

In Project 1, you will train an agent to collect yellow bananas while avoiding blue bananas.

All of the projects in this Nanodegree program use the rich simulation environments from the Unity Machine Learning Agents (ML-Agents) software development kit (SDK). You will learn more about ML-Agents in the next concept.


Deep Q-Networks

Deep Q-Networks is deep learning networks that use states as input and possible actions as output

  • In the DQN, the next action is determined by greedy action expected maximum reward
    • In the traditional RL(Q-Learning), the agent can get greedy action by Q-table
    • In the DQN, greedy action is determined by the nueral network
  • Issues
    • The high correlation between samples: The next sample(state) is related to previous sample
    • Non-stationary target: In the RL, the optimal Q is not stable
  • Training Techniques (to solve issues): Experience Replay, Fixed Q-Targets
  • Structure
    • Steps
      1. Initialize memory (replay buffer, finite size )
      2. Initialize action-value function with random weight
      3. Initialize target action-value weight
      4. Iterate episodes (Sampling and Learning)
    • Sampling: Run and store interactions between agent and environment
    • Learning: Select one of stored experience randomly and update
  • $\Delta w = \alpha \cdot \overbrace{( \underbrace{R + \gamma \max_a\hat{q}(S’, a, w^-)}{\rm {TD~target}} - \underbrace{\hat{q}(S, A, w)}{\rm {old~value}})}^{\rm {TD~error}} \nabla_w\hat{q}(S, A, w)$

Experience Replay

Agent train again with stored interaction between agent and environment

  • Replay buffer: Store experience as table of tuple
  • Advantages
    • Convert reinforcement learning problem into supervised learning problem
    • Enhance agent training with rare experience
  • To avoid the effect of high correlation between state and action, using random selection when train with replay buffer

Fixed Q-Targets

To avoid non-stationary target issue, uses two network with same structure

  • Local network
    • Use this netwrok when the agent need to get next action
    • Optimize the weights (minimize MSE loss) using target network as label
    • is the parameter in the local network
  • Target network
    • Update the network using replay buffer
    • is the parameter in the target network

Extensions to DQN

There are several improvements to the original DQN

Double DQN

  • Seperate the selection and evaluation(TD target)
    • The DQN does the selection(to select an action to obtain maximum reward in the next state) and evaluation(to calculate the extimated sum of future rewards, ) with single model
    • The D-DQN seperate these two process to avoid overestimation and error of noises
  • Selection uses local network() and Evaluation uses target netwrok()
  • $\Delta w = \alpha \cdot \overbrace{( \underbrace{R + \gamma \hat{q} ( S’, \arg max_a\hat{q}(S’, a, w), w^-)}{\rm {TD~target}} - \underbrace{\hat{q}(S, A, w)}{\rm {old~value}})}^{\rm {TD~error}} \nabla_w\hat{q}(S, A, w)$

Prioritized Experience Replay

  • To overcome the shortcomings of the original experience replay
    • Because samples to train the model are selected uniformly, some experiences have a very small chance of getting selected
    • If the train period is long, some old experiences got lost chance to select, because the memory size is limited
  • Add the priority in the each experience
    • TD error, the difference between the target and expected is used the basement of priority
    • The priority is the sum of TD error and small . To avoid the non-selected situation, although the TD error is zero
  • Sampling probability
    • : The control value between prioritized selection and uniform selection
    • : To adjust bias according the non-uniform random sampling

Dueling DQN


  • Seperates Q-value into state value and advantage value
    • Advantage value means that how much better selecting a specific action than other actions


  • Rainbow DQN is combined six extension to DQN

[Project] Navigation

For this project, you will train an agent to navigate (and collect bananas!) in a large, square world.