[CS224W Lecture 1] Introduction; Structure of Graphs

CS224W Machine Learning with Graphs

Lecture 1

Title: Introduction; Structure of Graphs
Date: 2020. 03. 29 (Sun)
Materials: Slides

Introduction of Network


  • Natural Graphs
  • General language for describing complex systems of interacting entities
  • the interactions between the components
  • Why?
    • Universal language for describing complex data
    • Shared vocabulary between fields
    • Data availability & computational challenges
    • Impact

Networks and Applications

Sort of Networks analysis

  • Node classification (Predict the attributes(type/color) of a given node)
  • Link prediction (Predict whether two nodes are linked)
  • Community detection (Identify densely linked clusters of nodes)
  • Network similarity (Measure similarity of two nodes or networks)


  1. Social Networks
    • e.g., Social Circle Detection(Community detection)
  2. Infrastructure

  3. Knowledge

    • e.g., Content recommendation(Link prediction)
    • Type of networks
      • Knowledge Graphs
      • Heterogeneous Graphs
      • Multimodal Graphs

      Type of Networks

    • Embedding Nodes
      • Map nodes to d-dimensional embeddings such that nodes with similar network neighborhoods are embedded close together
      • Transfer nodes to vectors for computation

      Embedding Nodes

  4. Online Media

    • e.g., Hoax article detection (Community detection?), Prediction Virality, Product Adoption
  5. Biomedicine
    • e.g., Protein-protein interaction(PPI) networks, Metabolic networks, Side effects detection(Predict adverse when taking a pair of drugs simultaneously)
    • Biomedical Graph(Heterogeneous graph, Link prediction)

Network Analysis Tools

  • SNAP C++
  • NetworksX
  • graph-tool

Structure of Graphs

  • Network: a collection of objects where some pairs of objects are connected by links
  • Objects(\(N\)): nodes, vertices
  • Interactions(\(E\)): links, edges
  • System(\(G(N,E)\)): networks, graph


  • Difference between Network and Graph
    • Network refers to real-world systems
    • Graph is mathematical representation of a network

Choice of Network Representation

Type of Graphs

  • Undirected Graph: symmetrical, reciprocal, without direction

Undirected Graph

  • Directed Graph: with direction(arcs)

Directed Graph

  • Subtypes of graphs

    • Unweighted(undirected)


    • Weighted(undirected)


    • Self-edges(self-loops, undirected)

      Self edges

    • Multigraph(undirected)


Node Degrees(\(k_i\))

  • # of edges adjacent to node \(i\)
    • \[k_A = 4\]

Undirected Graph Node Degrees

  • In directed networks node degree separates in-degree and out-degree
    • In-degree: # of the edges to node \(i\)
    • Out-degree: # of the edges from node \(i\)
    • \(k^{in}_C=2\), \(k^{out}_C = 1\), \(k_C=3\)

    Directed Graph Node Degrees

Complete Graph

  • Maximum # of edges(\(E_{max} = \{\{N(N-1)\}\over\{2\}\}\))
  • If the graph is \(E = E_{max}\), it’s called a complete graph
    • Average degree \(= N-1\)
  • However, most real-world networks are sparse graph
    • \(E << E_{max}\) or \(\bar{k} << N-1\)

Bipartite Graph

  • The graph whose nodes can be divided into two disjoint sets \(U\) and \(V\)

    • e.g., Authors-to-Papers, Actors-to-Movies

    Bipartite Graph

Representing Graph

  • Adjacency Matrix
    • Representing(Mapping) graph to n-dimensional vector(matrix)

    Adjacency Matrix

  • Edge List

    • Edges represent a pair of nodes combination (\((Node_{From}, Node_{To})\))

    Edge List

  • Adjacency list

    • It’s an easier way to represent graph

    Adjacency list

Edge Attributes

  • Properties depending on the structure of the rest of the graph
  • Possible options: Weight, Ranking, Type, Sign(Flag, Boolean)

Connectivity of Undirected Graphs

  • Connected Graph means that any two vertices can be joined by a path
  • Disconnected Graph is made up of two or more connected components
  • Connected Graph can be disconnected by Bridge edge and Articulation nodes


  • Strongly connected and Weakly connected
    • Strongly connected graph has every path from each node to every other node
    • Weakly connected graph has more than one missing paths from each node to every other node
    • Strongly connected components(SCCs) is sub-graph which can make strongly connected graph