[CS224W Lecture 3] Motifs and Structural Roles in Networks

CS224W Machine Learning with Graphs

Lecture 3

Title: Motifs and Structural Roles in Networks
Date: 2020. 04. 01 (WED) ~ 04. 02 (THU)
Materials: Slides YouTube


  • Decomposition of a big network

  • Isomorphic: the same graph with the same edges size and the same directions

  • Significant is a metric capable of classifying the subgraph

    • under-representation(negative significant)
    • over-representation(positive significant)
    • Significant is different by networks (the same subgraph is positive in Language network and negative in Neurons network)


Subgraphs, Motifs, and Graphlets

Network Motifs

  • Significant recurring patterns of interconnections in the network

    • Pattern: Small induced1 subgraph
      • ‘Induced subgraph’ means that one or more subgraphs which have the same structure of the subgraph of interest(Motif) can find in the full graph
    • Recurring: High frequency
      • ‘Recurrence’ means how many find induced subgraphs(occurrence)
    • Significant: More frequent than expected
      • It’s based on z-score
      • \[Z_i = (N^{real}_i-\bar{N}^{rand}_i) / std(N^{rand}_i)\]
      • \(N^{real}_i\) is #(subgraphs of type \(i\)) in network \(G^{real}\)
      • \(N^{rand}_i\) is #(subgraphs of type \(i\)) in randomized network \(G^{rand}\)
      • Network significant profile(SP) is a vector of normalized Z-scores
        • \[SP_i = Z_i /\sqrt{\sum_jZ^2_j}\]
        • Usually, \(G^rand\) generated 10,000~100,000 to estimated \(\bar{N}^{rand}_i\) and \(std(N^{rand}_i)\). It depends on the size of the real graph
  • understanding how networks work and prediction operation and reaction of the network in a given situation

    • Feed-forward loop: Move toward A to B
    • Parallel loop: Move toward A to B without skipped nodes
    • Sing-input modules: Single input and multiple outputs


  • Generation random model

    • Configuration Model

      • Null model(random model) which is compared with the real graph with the degree sequence of the real graph
      • Using spokes

      Configuration model

      • Why connect directly –> it’s not random!
    • Switching Model

      • Repeat exchange endpoints from the given Graph \(G\) again and again (randomize!)

    Graphlets: Node feature vectors

    • Graphlets: possible subgraphs which are made by n-nodes
      • use graphlets to obtain node-level subgraph metric
    • Graphlet degree vector(GDV): # of non-isomorphic position in graphlet
      • non-isomorphic position means that unique nodes in the graphlet(node touches)
      • In the input graph, GDV means a vector is constructed by the number of graphlets that a node touches at a particular orbit

    Automorphism Orbits

    • Considering graphlets on 2 to 5 nodes(73 coordinates)
      • It means that graphs usually make within 4 hops

    Finding Motifs and Graphlets

    • Finding size-k motifs/graphlets is a hard computational problem(NP-complete)
    • There are two big two challenges
      • Enumerating(To obtain all size-k connected subgraphs)
      • Counting(To obtain occurrences of each subgraph type)
      • Computation time grows exponentially as the size of the motif/graphlet increase
  • Algorithms

    • Exact subgraph enumeration (ESU) [Wernicke 2006]
    • Kavosh[Kashaniet al. 2009]
    • Subgraph sampling [Kashtanet al. 2004]

Exact subgraph enumeration (ESU)

  • Terms
    • \(V_{subgraph}\): currently constructed subgraph(motif)
    • \(V_{extension}\): set of candidate nodes to extend the motif
  1. Enumerating(ESU-Tree)

    • ESU-Tree: Implementation as a recursive function

    • 1st Step: Add Nodes(\(v\)) in \(V_{subgraph}\) and add nodes(\(w\)) which touched from \(v\) in \(V_{extension}\)
    • 2nd Step: Add a pair of \(V_{subgraph}\) & \(V_{extension}\)(new \(v\)) in \(V_{subgraph}\) and add nodes which touched from \(v\) in \(V_{extension}\) (Only add \(w\) which have greater node id the node id of \(v\))
      • Try again 2nd step until the depth attain the \(k\)


  2. Counting (McKay’s nauty algorithm [McKay 1981])

    • Determine which subgraphs in ESU-Tree leaves are topologically equivalent(isomorphic)
    • Graph Isomorphism: The condition that given two graphs are the same structure

Structural Roles in Networks

  • Meaning of Roles
    • The function of nodes in a network(e.g., species in ecosystems, individuals in companies)
    • A collection of nodes which have a similar position in a network(do not need to connect)
    • Communities/Groups: A collection of nodes which are well-connected to each other
  • How to find roles
    • Structural equivalence(same relationships to all other nodes) [Lorrain & White 1971]
    • In the adjacency matrix, nodes have the same role have the same vector

Discovering Structural Roles in Networks

  • RolX: Automatic discovery of nodes’ structural roles in networks [Henderson, et al. 2011b]
    • Unsupervised learning approach
    • No prior knowledge required(automated and behavioral)


  • Recursive Feature Extraction

    • The matrix of nodes and columns(features)

    • Ego means center node and egonet means the network of nodes are connected ego directly

      • Features that describe the node and its neighbors
      • Characterize the structure of egonet

      Recursive feature extraction

      • Local features: All measure of the node degree (in-out degree, total degree, weighted feature versions)

      • Egonet features: # of within-egonet edges, edges entering/leaving egonet

    • Additional feature: aggregate functions(mean, sum)

      • The number of possible recursive features grows exponentially with each recursive iteration
      • Reduce the number of features using a pruning technique
  • Role Extraction

    • Cluster nodes based on extracted features using non-negative matrix factorization
  1. 유발하다, 유도하다