[CS224W Lecture 4] Community Structure in Networks

CS224W Machine Learning with Graphs

Lecture 4

Title: Community Structure in Networks
Date: 2020. 04. 03 (FRI) ~ 2020. 04. 06 (MON)
Materials: Slides YouTube

Networks and Communities

  • Roles(RoIX) based on the feature, Communities(Fast Modularity) based on cluster

Flow of Information

  • Questions
    • How does information flow through the network?
    • How do people find out about new job?
      • Contacts were often acquaintances(less than friends)1 rather than close friends
  • Granovetter’s Answer

    • Link perspectives: Structural perspective and Interpersonal perspective
    • Structural role(Triadic Closure)
      • Structure: Well-embedded edges are socially strong
      • Information: Well-embedded heavily redundant in terms of2 information access
        • Through the weak connection, the node can get newer information which can’t get the well-embedded parts
        • So, in the job seeking problem, people contact to acquaintances rather than friends
      • Strong structure(Socially Strong) means each neighbors are also neighbors of others
        • Weight of edge means interpersonal strength
      • Triadic Closure means High clustering coefficient

    Granovetter Structure

  • Edge overlap

    • The ratio of the # of mutual friends and # of union friends
    • Overlap = 0 means an edge is a local bridge
  • Edge Removal

    • By Strength: The network structure are decomposed faster when remove low # of weighted edge than high
    • By Overlap: The network structure are decomposed faster when remove low edge overlap than high


Network Communities

  • Definition
    • Sets of tightly connected nodes
    • Sets of nodes with lots of internal connections and few external ones
  • Communities can exchange clusters, groups and modules

  • Zachary’s Karate club network(Social Network Data Example)
    • In the network, there are two different karate club
    • Split could be explained by a minimum cut in the network

Modularity \(Q\)

  • How well as network is partitioned into communities
  • \(Q \propto \sum_{\{s\}\in{S}}[(\) # edges within group \(s)\) - \((\)expected # edges within group \(s)]\)
    • To calculated expected # edges with group, need a null model
    • Null Model(Configuration Model)
      • The expected # of edges between nodes \(i\) and \(j\)
      • \({k_i \cdot k_j} \over {2m}\) (\(k_i, K_j\) means degrees \(i\) and \(j\))
  • Modularity of partitioning \(S\) of graph \(G\)
    • \[Q(G,S) = {\{1\}\over{2m}}\sum_{\{s\}\in{S}}\sum_{\{i\}\in{s}}\sum_{\{j\}\in{s}}(A_{ij} - {\{k_ik_j\}\over{2m}})\]
    • where \(A_{ij}\) = 1 if \(i\) -> j 0 otherwise
  • Modularity values take range [-1, 1]
    • \(Q\) greater than 0.3 - 0.7 means significant community structure
    • Negative \(Q\) means anti-communities
      • Positive \(Q\) means that nodes in the same communities are connected stronger than the null model (More connection than the null model)
      • If \(Q = 0\), this community doesn’t a difference with random connection. However, if \(Q > 0\), this community have more connections(edges) than the random model.
  • We can identify communities by maximizing modularity


Louvain Algorithm

  • Using Greedy algorithm for community detection(Greedily maximizes modularity)

    • Using to study large networks
    • Fast, Rapid convergence, High modularity output
  • Steps

    1. Optimize modularity by local changes to node-communities memberships
      • Changing community of each node, calculate modularity delta(\(\Delta{Q}\))
        • Possible communities to change are only neighbor of node
        • \[\Delta{Q} = \Delta{Q({i}\to{C})} + \Delta{Q({D}\to{i})}\]
        • Modularity delta means the aggregation of change of modularity when node \(i\) put into community \(C\) and change of modularity when node \(i\) pull from community \(D\)
      • The nodes’ community determine the community with maximum modularity
      • Repeat until no increase modularity
    2. Aggregate nodes to super-nodes to build a new network
    3. Repeat these two steps until no increase of modularity

    Louvain Algorithm

Detecting Overlapping Communities: BigCLAM

  1. Define generative model for graphs

    • Community Affiliation Graph Model(AGM)
  2. Discover communities

    • Given graph G, make the assumption that G was generated by AGM

    • Find the best AGM = discover communities

Community Affiliation Graph Model(AGM)

  • \[V, C, M, \{p_c\}\]
  • \(V\): Nodes

  • \(C\): Communities

  • \(M\): Memberships, The link between nodes and communities

  • \(P_c\): The probability that Node \(v\) has Membership \(m\) to Community \(c\)
To detect communities with AGM
  • Given a Graph, find the model \(F\)

  • Terms
    • \(M\): Affiliation graph
    • \(C\): Number of communities like \(k\) in k-means
    • \(p_c\): Parameters
  • Maximum likelihood estimation
    • \[arg_F max P(G|F)\]
    • \[P(G|F) = \prod_{\{(u,v)\}\in{G}}P(u,v)\prod_{\{(u,v)\notin{G}\}}(1-P(u, v))\]
  • Membership has strengths (\(F_{uA}\))
    • How strong connect node to community
    • \(F_{uA} = 0\) means that node \(u\) is not a member of community \(A\)
  1. Acquaintance: 지인(친구보다는 덜 친분이 있는) 

  2. In terms of: ~면에서, ~관점에서