CS224W Machine Learning with Graphs
Lecture 10
Title: Deep Generative Models for Graphs
Date: 2020. 04. 28(TUE) ~ 2020. 05. 04(MON)
Materials: Slides YouTube
Additional Materials:
Deep Graph Encoders
- Generate node embeddings based on local network neighborhoods and neural networks
- Graph Convolutional Neural Networks(GCN): average neighborhood information
- GraphSAGE: generalized neighborhood aggregation
Problem of Graph Generation
Graph Generation Tasks
- Realistic graph generation
- Goal-directed graph generation
Why is it hard?
- Large and variable output space
- We need to \(n^2\) values to express \(n\) nodes (adjacency matrix)
- Different graphs need to different sizes
- Non-Uniqueness
- \(n\)-node graph can be represented in \(n!\) ways
- Complex dependencies
- To form the edges, we need have long-range dependencies(more memory)
ML Basics for Graph Generation
Graph Generative Models
- Given: \(p_{data}(G)\), the set of graphs
- Goal: Distribution \(p_{model}(G)\) and sample from \(p_{model}(G)\)
- \(p_{model}(G)\) means the new set of graphs using learning
- Generate the new set of graphs using assumed(learned) distribution with input set(observation) of graphs
- \(p_{data}(x)\) is the data distribution in the real world. \(x_i\) is the sampled in the \(p_{data}(x)\)
- \(p_{model}(x;\theta)\) is the model that we use to approximate \(p_{data}(x)\)
- The goal is the making \(p_{model}(x;\theta)\) close to \(p_{data}(x)\) and getting sample from \(p_{model}(x;\theta)\)
Make \(p_{model}(x;\theta)\) close to \(p_{data}(x)\)
- Find \(\theta\) to maximize likelihood
- \[\theta^* = argmax_\theta \mathbb{E}_{x \sim p_{data}} log_{p_{model}}(x | \theta)\]
Sample from \(p_{model}(x;\theta)\)
- To sample from a complex distribution, using noise(seed) from a simple noise distribution
- Using the noise from a noise distribution as parameter of function(\(f( \cdot )\)), we can make that the output(\(x_i\)) follows a complex distribution
- Sample from a simple noise distribution \(z_i \sim N(0,1)\)
- Transform the noise \(z_i\) vis \(f(\cdot)\) \(x_i = f(z_i;\theta)\)
- \(f( \cdot )\) is designed by Deep Neural Networks
Auto-regressive models
- Auto-regressive means that every next action depends on the previous actions
- In the graph case, the next action(\(t\)-th action, \(x_t\)) will be adding node or adding edge
- Apply chain rule
- \[p_{model}(x;\theta) = \prod_{t=1}^n p_{model}(x_t|x_1,...,x_{t-1};\theta)\]
- Recurrent: Every output feedback into input (Auto regressive)
- Graph \(G\) is made by Generation process \(S^\pi\)(recipe of drawing graph), where \(\pi\) is node ordering
- The sequence \(S^\pi\) has two levels
- Node-level: At each step, a new node is added
- Node-level \(S^\pi\) is the order of adding node
- \[S^\pi = (S_1^\pi, S_2^\pi, S_3^\pi, S_4^\pi, S_5^\pi)\]
- Edge-level: At each step, a new edge is added
- Edge-level \(S^\pi\) is the set of whether or not connect previous nodes
- \[S_4^\pi = (S_{4,1}^\pi, S_{4,2}^\pi, S_{4,3}^\pi) = (0, 1, 1)\]
- Node-level: At each step, a new node is added
- GraphRNN has a node-level RNN and edge-level RNN
- Using these two-level sequence, we make the graph and adjacency matrix(the yellow area)
Recurrent Neural Network
- RNN cell calculates the output and the state using input and state of previous step
- \(s_t\): State of RNN after time \(t\)
- \(x_t\): Input of RNN at time \(t\), Output of RNN at time \(t-1\)
- \(y_t\): Output of RNN at time \(t\)
- SOS(\(s_0\)) and EOS(\(y_t\)) use zero vector
- In the generation(stochastic), output is the probability vector and input is the sample based on the probability
Training phase
- At training time, use an observed sequence \(y^*\) and “Teacher Forcing”
- Teacher Forcing means model use real sequence(\(y^*\)) output (not model’s output) as a input
- Loss \(L\) is the Binary cross entropy \(L = -[y_1^* log(y_1) + (1-y_1^*) log (1-y_1)]\)
- Using loss and back propagation, adjust RNN parameters
- Too many steps for edge generation because of that any node can connect to any prior node(random ordering)
- Using BFS ordering, reduce steps for edge generation
Evaluating Generated Graphs
- Define similarity metric for graphs
- Visual similarity
- Graph statistics similarity
Applications and Open Questions
- Generating Graph’s Goal
- High scores(Optimization)
- Valid(Obey underlying rules)
- Realistic(imitating an original graph)
- Graph Convolutional Policy Network(GCPN)
- Combine graph representation + RL
- Graph Neural Network(Valid), Reinforcement learning(High scores), Adversarial training(Realistic)